What apps do I use daily ?


Once I stepped in to Japan, my whole daily routine as well as my concerns, priorities changed, in slightly and tremendous levels. It is possible and also expectable. I say!

My priorities changed so as my social media usage. My main priority was learning Japanese language which is said to be the one of the most difficult language to learn in the world. And my next priority is building up my blog as a website, for which I am receiving an enormous support from my love. Many thanks and my respect!!

Today my most used apps number one is YouTube. My main, language learning platform.
And then TikTok so important as YouTube. I usually go through TikTok and listen to short videos especially Chibi Maruko-Chan manga series. The series depicts the simple daily life of Momoko Sakura. And “Todaii” Japanese news app.

Next google translator, the one I can’t live without, on this land. LOL!! When you are in a land where no one is speaking what you know. This is the best. So thankful!!!

And Japan asked me to use weather app frequently. In Sri Lanka we are not attacked by severe weather changes, except few rains. But in Japan I am frequently persuaded to use my weather app. LoL!! So I am following.

“Google photos” app. It’s essential features like automatic creation, advance editing and shared albums are my favorites. I see my google photos as a gateway to isolate myself. The best remedy in some moments. So thankful!!

Google apps my favorite navigation app. It suggest the best route. So helpful. And since it offers route for walking and cycling. Things become so easy.

Then comes Pinterest, where I roam mostly for new ideas and nice pictures. And then WhatsApp,Gmail, my online banking apps, Facebook and instagram respectively. And especially apart from the sense of apps, google chrome my preferred web browser with fast and simple design. I always fall in love with.

How about yours? Love to hear from my wise gang!!

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