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Let us share & care for each other. We all have lots of untold stories to be revealed. We all are owners of different, magnificent stories.

These stories in every aspect help us to connect with eachother wherever we stand on this planet.

Our stories are powerful all because they evoke compassion even among strangers, of course.

It will heal you

It will help you.

Stories, thoughts, views, and discussions this is the digital platform for each piece.

Hi there!! I am Huvini

We are sharing lifestyle stories. We keep in touch with Food, mindfulness, relationships, travel, design, culture etc.

Our stories

“Survival of the fittest” thought of the day

1st of January 2024, early morning while preparing my new year table i was thinking...

Your approach to life with flower and plant decorations is always great

My honest belief is adding a flowery theme to your home meant “a warm welcome“...

Wonderful”Me time” ideas for your weekend

Are you taking care of yourself? The whole week you are prepared to work for...

Wonderful things, beauty is always in the beholder’s eye

Last weekend was a great one and we had a three-day continuous holiday. Here are...

Wise words all the time

Words are magic. When it touch souls it glitter. Hope these brighten everyone’s life. “Good...

Why do people remember you?

Distrusting all happiness in New year, powerful earthquake slammed Japan and tsunami warnings were issued...

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