What will be your hand book on 2024?

Do you have a book for the year? kept as the mentor. Normally I do not have. But this year onward I determined to keep such!! What do you think? With the eve of New year we have lots of determinations, goals and all the stuffs. With the time we loose most of our determinations and habits we started with a great courage. As living human beings with flesh and blood, I completely agree that it is so normal. So whenever you feel lost on the way your journey, re-referring, and going through the determinations will be the best therapy.

So I thought to have a handbook, that helps to understand myself. The best thing is self-execation, identifying who you are, and how you keep yourself happy and calm. So the book I will use in 2024 will be my black and white self-help companion.

The book is by Ajahn Braahmavamso thero. The book I am using is no.6 out of his series. And Sinhala edition which I bought from Colombo International Book Fair in Sri Lanka. I have read the book many times, but this will be my hand book for 2024.

The book consisted of Sinhala translation of 4 of his enlightening discussions.Respectively

Only the body is sick, Do not rush to your grave, Anger & forgiveness and how to live in the present moment.

What will be your guide book for 2024? Any comments? Love to hear and try yours too!!

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