

Do you love putting on makeup? How do you feel about it? Do you love to have? Personally, I am not a makeup person. 

Over the past few years, I have not worried too much about what I put on my face. However, recently, I have been using some natural skin care products. When it comes to makeup, I feel I am good and prepared enough with my natural skin. But, I do some natural cleansing for my face. Oats and honey mix is the most frequent thing I use. Cetaphil products too work with me nicely. Apart from that, a high level of water consumption will be an added advantage for your skin. 

But sometimes, I use the same simple makeup routine that is simple at its best. For the park, work wherever I prefer, such as simple makeup. 

There were times I went to the saloon before going to any special occasion. But recently, I gave up that too and thought to do a little makeup at home. A simple moisturizer and a touch of lipstick are my all-time favorite. When it comes to winter, I use this with my skin. It is so good for dry skin. So, I love fewer products on my skin. So far, my skin is doing good with natural balance. 

My eyebrows are thick and dark, so I do believe that those two lines play a vital role always. So, I am careful about my eyebrows; I do not know why clean, neat eyebrows make me good, and I feel extra confident with them. 

But I love people who have well-balanced makeup. The best thing I love to see is grey souls with beautiful makeup. The way they look makes the “desire to live fully.” All those beautiful souls I see on the roads, parks, work, and any other place is so magnificent.

Many people put makeup on to have self-worth (i think so), not to impress society.

I could remember a heart-touching statement made by one of my friends. You have a beautiful face start with it. You are with a flawless look everytime.” What a touching statement!! 

How about your makeup routine? 

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