Reminding the Joy of first time doing

Design Entertainment Healthy Living

Could you remind “The joy of first time doing?”

Last week my husband bought a fruit that I love, which is hard to find in local Japanese supermarkets. By name “Papaya”. Finding a tropical countryside fruit in Japan is not an easy task. But luckily he had seen this miraculous fruit at the farmer’s veggie stall of the supermarket. I was so delighted and surprised. I placed the papaya inside my organic fruit basket since it was not ready to eat yet. Days passed. Every day looking at my favorite fruit I ask myself “Why is it still unripe?”

Ms.Papaya still sits inside the cozy fruit basket with her glittering green dress. (Lol)

Ms.Papaya is sitting the same as when she was bought. So I was looking for an alternative. Something sparkled in my mind and my zero-waste policy popped up. I prepared “Gaslabu mellum” a dish of raw papaya with grated coconut.

It was my first time preparing this particular dish. This simple but my “first dish” will be the seed of my story today.

I just thought about “doing things for the first time”. I remember my very first mini pantry DIY project. The way I felt was awesome. I have to say “the first time doing” is not a single feeling it is a bag full of feelings. A mixed feeling worth remembering.

When you are in a craft activity for the first time, mark every single step, keep it in mind, and at the end, come up with a masterpiece. You may feel incomplete and frustrated till you see the end. However, you end up with a pack of skills.

You are learning new things- Whatever you are pursuing right now, learning driving or learning a new language might be challenging and questionable at the very first time. But when you are done with it, you would pat yourself and say “You did it”

Every first-time learner is always delightful with the way they did. Because every moment is filled with excitement and hope. A new hope for life. My life in this unknown land, I feel I am beginning once again. Planning things differently, I am gaining something new everyday amazingly. The joy of being a beginner and that wonderful experience is so liberating and powerful always. You feel you are living and your world is getting smaller. What a feeling!!

I have witnessed certain people around me picking up something new in every phase of life. What powerful spirits!! Meanwhile, some others have decided not to pick anything new as they are getting older. How sad!!

Did this inspire you to search for something new? How do you feel “the first time doing?

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