Have you ever practiced “Art of Noticing”

Healthy Living Mindfulness

Have you ever practiced “The Art of Noticing”? Does the term make any sense to you?

In this world people are running in a rat race, We have no time to observe the vast blue sky, sandy beaches, dews of the petals, or feel the warmth of the sunshine. We have no single idea about the worth of a slow living and observing.

I also was a member of this rat race a few years ago. But I am not denying that I am 100% out of it, I have to be honest with you. But certain considerable changes in my life have made my path easier. This blog also is a fruitful result of that “observing and slow living”.

Life is full of ups and downs, that is the nature and no one can change it. But we can change by ourselves. The way you see things and the way you treat those incidents define you a lot. We have a great capacity for senses, including seeing, listening, thinking, and acting accordingly. With all these we notice things. But have you ever thought that this “noticing” could help in satisfying yourself?

“Art of Noticing” is an ideal way to satisfy yourself and it is a kind of mindfulness practice. This helps a lot to keep my mind calm amid calamity. After a heated argument, just go to the park and observe the dews on the flowers and leaves, or else just peep through the window and have a look at the old lady walking with a sweet puppy. The relief is unutterable!! In this world, people tend to overlook simple things. Most beautiful things in nature have gone unnoticed. No one even knows that there is something like that.

But a careful observation can make you more insightful, creative, and happy. Last couple of days I made an excellent observation of my little cactus which had long time neglected by me (tearing!!) then I took it and started my daily observation with the necessary water and sunshine, and the long deserted cactus was coming back to a new life with little saplings. It was something really interesting and it lightened my inner thoughts. “The value of caring”.

And with this “Art of noticing” You will see things differently, and you will feel that you are alive and living in the moment.

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