Have you practiced Mindfulness?
Since the first day I started these mindfulness tips, I have seen something new in every place and situation—a different perspective. This perspective allows me to see things with a new eye. I would call it seeing things without judgment, seeing things as they are. This thinking is healthy and stress-free, of course.
It is amazing how gently you can incorporate mindfulness into your day-to-day life. You will feel that you are living another life.
Firstly take a deep breath. Close your eyes and keep your attention on things near you. You would feel every single noise around. Super calm. You won’t be able to hear it on another day.
Certainly, you are doing good. The most wonderful thing is there is no good perfect timing for practicing mindfulness. Every moment is perfect, I find a few of the most treasured practices.
Every night, kissing my husband, I think how grateful I am for him.
When I am with my sweet little boy, I always murmur, “thank you for coming to us. I am so grateful to you.”
I thank myself, too. No hate. Whenever I feel upset or angry, now I know how to tackle it. It is such a peaceful feeling.
Evidently, this affirmation made peace and happy in my mind.
I heard a Sense Game for Kids helps improve mindfulness.
Name three things you feel right now.
Tell me five things you see in the room.
Have you ever tried this with your toddlers? Any improvement? This will make them to pay special attention to the things around them. How many of us feel and see the things around us? We are engaged in thousands of things while doing one thing—something that is to be done in the next moment—so we miss the moment. This “sense Game” is very good, and it helps beginners to practice the basics of mindfulness. As a result, you would find a kid with peace in mind.
And now I hardly wear earbuds. I like to hear birds sound, and I can hear many more sounds that I did not hear previously. I feel privileged to take care of things around me now.
Have you practiced mindfulness? Have you found peace with it? What are your techniques?