Want a partner: What would be the essentials?

Blooming after breakups is essential. Then, what are the essentials you would be listing? In short, what things do I need from a partner? You might have mentally made up “checklist”. But I see it as practical to be conscious. (since most of us jump into snares with unconscious mind (Lol))

Kindness– The most important thing to have. “Kindness” is not only for you but for all in common. If it is only for you, it is probably based on a certain quality you possess. If it is something the other way, it is his general quality. He will accept whatever happens. The way he talks about other women is a way to recognize him as a personality you need. All these show his kindness over someone else.

Having no major compatibility issues– The very first impression is always an excellent observation. especially concern over game-playing, time-passing, and cheating. You always need to be generous in every way, more specifically, in the bed. Because you share your deepest desires and feelings, which is not known to anyone. As soon as you see a red flag, you need to move away. Life is getting complicated with new bonds, so why do you jump into perils voluntarily?

The youthful mindset is one of the best things I am admiring. Living with such a mindset is not an easy task for someone who is always moody and serious. Because life is just a short journey.

Embracing each other personal growth- All have personal spaces. “What I love to do” does not change with my relationship. It continues like a flowing river. Embracing someone’s personal growth is the best sacrifice one can do. It is like enjoying looking at a flower in some other garden. You are to feel it. I firmly believe this is a major pillar of a successful marriage or a romantic partnership. This solid relationship is easy to come by if you are in a true love.

And the most important thing in the process of rolling the ball is “Be specific” with your needs and wants. I truly believe in it, and I worked on it and hope to work on it in the future, too. It is a great relief and makes things easier for both.

I will still be grateful for my consciousness and my attitude of “being specific” for assisting me in helping me find my husband. We both are in a safe place when together. I am grateful myself for following my heart. It is the greatest relief I ever earned.

How do you feel?

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