How big your heart is?


How big your heart is? Is any possible answer available to you now? However it looks, I recently found this question as the best one to ask yourself. A gateway to peep into you. Beautiful question to asses yourself.

There are times I have been subjected to unnecessary talks as many others, most of the times I am unconnected with what they are having at the time. But they have issues with me, poor me sometimes know nothing about what I have done to them. The reality is I have done nothing to them, sometimes I had not a single word with them. But still, they are talking behind the curtains about myself.

The only thing I came up with this, is people talk about you based on what they feel about you. They do not care about your real version. They always have their made-up tales for you. While I was working in my profession I witnessed this. You might be slowly walking on your way, with no harm to anyone, no competition with others, simply you are building your pitch for the match. But still, you are the “talk of the town”.

When I was very young, I wanted to fight with “town talks” or I wanted to explain to them that “what you are seeing and hearing is not the real truth”. But today I am so thankful to my younger self for not doing that practically. Instead of that I kept calm and did my things at my own pace.

Soon after I realized that We are mingling with people from all walks of life. Everyone has their own imaginations, explanations, and justifications as well which might not be correct. But it exists. Sometimes they need compassion, attention. The only thing you can do is, “let them go” . My approach is so effective and I feel like a feather, I have no anger over town talkers, they are doing their job while keeping me as an extra burden. And I became a strong believer of this notion,

Gossip dies when it hits a wise person’s ear

After letting everything go, just peep into yourself, yes you have a big heart, and your cup is filled at the end of the day that’s all we need.

Love xoxo!!!

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