Different seats offer different perspectives


In our lives, we take various types of challenges from time to time. You sit on one place and then you stand up and move to somewhere else, to have a different view. It is always nice to have different views with different angles.

You see things in different manner and you see things in different perspectives. The seat where you sat earlier teaches you how to see the very same thing in different angles. Likewise the opportunities given by the life to you should be accepted in peaceful mind, all because life is teaching things to us.

The most beautiful thing is, wherever you have your seat, we all are heading for one final destination ultimately, “Life with happiness”. Your navigating method might be different but the destination is same.

The survival

When I started my life thousands of miles away from my motherland, the “departure” taught me what real life is. A different seat with a different perspective. Life has more meaning and we are capable of hundreds of things. It is a kind of test. The test of “survival of the fittest

Just imagine you wake up and find yourself on a deserted island in the middle of the Ocean. You have nothing with you, unfortunately!! What would be your priority? Yes, just not drowning. Simple as that. c First we learn to save our breath then fight for survival.

Our survival needs different perspectives. But we see things not as it is but according to our think tank. I see the wonderful grey souls spending their late years in this life with good freedom and happiness. And I see people enjoying their lives with a considerable time for themselves. They are not selfish at all but they spread love both inside and outside. They care for others.

Let things flow according to their rhythm

One might think life is all about going to work, paying bills, and working for children. (This is the way how most of Asian thinking most of the times, there are exceptional cases too) But life is not working 8 to 5, Life is not just paying bills, Life is not paying less care for yourself and devoting to someone else.

All these are just part of life but not 100%. You work for you, you dig yourself, you fill your cup and now you are fully prepared to see things differently. You love the things as it is. Because everything in this world has its rhythm.

We know nothing about the flip side of the story, but we know one thing we all heading for the “happiness of life”. So you need to try different seats for fifferent perspectives. Because that is the life.

Love al!! XOXO

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