Money Talks, live as cheaply as possible

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Do you really search for methods to live as cheaply as possible? Whatever the reason you are with, Let us look into possible tips we can use for our purpose. Because the topic has become the “most wanted “thing.

Grow your own

We need no large space for growing, your balcony is more than enough. I love growing not only because it saves money, but the most beautiful thing is you will gain a great mental therapy. You work with the soil, you touch them, talk to them, and look after them every morning. The feeling is an unutterable thing.

Check with thrift shop/ online buying

You can find either new or barely used things. And before every purchase, you are to be careful on discounts and everything.

Go with high-quality items

The first point is a little bit odd, you might think so. It is 100% fair to think so. But as we all know, high-quality things are durable. You do not need to buy things always. When things are durable you do not need to pay extra money again and again. It is always good for your pocket. You are spending a considerable amount of money once only.

You can ave thousands of memories at a low cost.

Experiences enrich us, and we love to have different experiences all the time. But sometimes we are standing in the wrong place. We always think we need a lucrative amount of money to gain experience which is not the truth. Heading to the nearby park for a little tea-time party is always healthy and an Instagram-able moment to have. You will never forget the lovely experience you had, it is always worth than a lunch in a restaurant, I suppose.

Branded watches, cosmetics, and clothes have become the talk of the day. You can wear these if you are in an affordable place of life. But it is not a must always. Your good behaviour and attitudes are all your personality and no external ornaments can beat it, of course. Do you need to impress someone? Do something that matters to them. Your kind words, your close intimacy to a heart broken friend is always wort than branded stuff, I think.

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You are free to do any branded thing of course, but it is not the way to maintain your status always.

There are a lot more, how about yours?

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