How was your childhood reading?


This morning we had to meet our doctor for some medical checkups. There were two tiny little bookshelves at the corners of the medical center. And there were a considerable amount of little kids too for the doctor’s appointments. A few little kids were at the book selves and they were reading books. This capture reminded me of my childhood reading. Do children love reading?

We all are playing in an environment where technology has highly invaded each piece. But can we ever underestimate the importance of printed materials? Information is everywhere, and not hard to find out at all nowadays, but the feeling of touching a physical printed material is a feeling that cannot be explained in words. Even today printed material brings a smell of another dimension.

I am a massive reader and I have a habit of carrying a book in my handbag wherever I go. Once I get a seat I engage with it and enjoy it. Did you ever have a special reading place? I did not have. Wherever possible I am clinging to it.

In my home we had garden chairs with a round bench, it was my favorite place most of the time. The place was shaded with a huge Mangosteen tree, and below the shady tree was the best place ever, while I was at home. It was always an ideal “spot” for every kind of imagination. For me reading under trees is something special and alive always.

When I was reading a ”scary book” my bed was the best place all the time. Under the heavy blankets, I am reading it. I would just follow my mother around the house because I always thought there would be someone to protect me while I was reading such a “horror book”. So if the book was so horrifying, I always chose my bed as the best spot.

I always wanted to have my library I collected pocket money and bought books most of the time or else I shared books with my friends and I didn’t take weeks to read a single book, it took a maximum of one week most of the time. Time has changed things got complicated, now I take considerable time to complete a single book but my love for books is still with me.

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