what made you shift your fundamental thinking, was it helpful?


What will be your expressions regarding the above wall paint? Would we all hold a single idea on this? Of course not. It’s a very normal condition.

We all pass different phases of life at different ages. Sometimes we face life-threatening crises, an important events and we step into new roles such as wife, husband, parents or grandparents, managers, and many more. The physical shift of one’s life directly affects one’s fundamental thinking. Stephen R. Covey in his famous book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People this called a “Paradigm shift” . Simply says, you are looking at the matter in a different perspective. Then you see and feel things in different perspectives. This is very helpful in keeping up relationships.

When all my friends were in relationships I was single. They had a different set of roles and duties to perform while I had different roles and duties to fulfill. By the time I understood the logic and accepted it as it was.

Here is another good story, I can’t remember well the place where I picked it up. But it was a story worth enough to keep in mind and it is a very good example to see how your fundamental thinking is changing. (a similar story is in Stephen R. Covey’s book too) The story I heard went as follows,

A child in a train compartment was over-thrilled by the scene out of the train’s shutter. All at once the child yelled at his father “Father father, can you see the clouds in the sky? they are blue and floating too.” The little boy did not stop. He tried to explain almost everything he was seeing out of the window. Actually, according to the story, he was very disturbing to the rest of the compartment.

Apparently father sitting next to him was insensitive to his behaviour and let his child run wild. No minimum responsibility or respecting for others were paid. Finally one man, “Sir, your child is very disturbing, could you control him little” The reply from the other side was an unexpected and heart broking, he said, “You are right. He just got his sight, he was blind throughout his childhood, we are heading back to home after successfully completing his operation. He sees everything for the first time his life.

It is a short little story but with a great inner meaning.

“Can you feel the mental status of the man who asked for the duty of minimum responsibility or respect for others ?” Sometimes we see things on the surface and come up with conclusions. For survival, we need to accept these mini-paradigm shifts. It means survival of the fittest. You will adjust to society and it will be helpful to keep up your relationships in a healthy way.

Have you ever experienced such a “mini paradigm shift?” How helpful was it?

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