The Art of Cool Down, the truly amazing untold stories


We get angry, this is the reality of human beings. And the greatest thing is you can’t keep up the anger all over the day most of the time. Everything is subject to the “changes”. You can bring back your body to its normal psychological level. You are the owner of your feelings so it is up to you. It simply says you can control your anger before it controls you.

Today we have several avenues to express our immediate displeasure over someone. Just a simple movement of your fingertips is enough for this. Without having to worry about repercussions internet facilitates us. You put all your venom into the email, text message or voice message and send it. Have you ever worried about such an email? Have you ever felt that I could have unsent it?

Here I am going with some tips that friends of mine shared with me years ago.

“Writing lists of concerns, and worries and burning them to ashes is something I have done for ages. A great therapy. Email is risky for me, I might accidentally hit “send” button. “

“Keep silent and I give my concern for something else, So I am not burning inside and I feel ok. “

“I write my angry letter in Gmail but never type in “to” address. “

“I have imaginary arguments. I feel soo good after that.”

It seems we all need to go away from the “burning moment”.

This writing is something a great way, to cool you down. you take time to write, you need to find a pen and a proper paper, if its an email you need to turn on your laptop or iPad, you seek the best words to address the “abuser” or the anyone who wronged to you. Sometimes you will not be able to sit throughout the writing, you are going away for some other work and comes back. Like this you literally take a considerable time to write it up and perfecting it. You are not express your displeasure or anger hastily. You took time. It is a great way to “let go”

Lets use the anger as a gift, as a way to polish your writing skills. When tough times offer you lemons in life lets make lemonade.

How do you cool yourself down? Have you written ? How did you feel? Love to hear from you.

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