Mind Full Vs Mindful?

Mind Full Vs Mindful

Words make Art and surprises. “Mindful”. A word with less than ten letters makes things easy. Mind full Vs Mindful, which one do you love to practice?

We are walking keeping thousands of stuff inside our head. Things happened yesterday night, one year back, and things going to happen tomorrow, in the next moment or something which is going to be happen in five or ten years of times everything inside our mind. And the most amazing thing is we all know that each and every thing we expect will not be working 100% perfectly. But we are dealing with it. We are dancing with distractions.

I have created my own picture of this,

I have some sweets with me, each one with different flavors, and I have tried none of them before. Since I have a sweet tooth, I want to taste each, keeping with me secretly. I don’t want to share it with anyone. I have my siblings, with the same sweet teeth. If they come to know that I have already my hope to have it all alone would be shattered. Most of the times we play together, eat together sleep together. So I hardly get a time to be isolated and taste sweets. So how will be my mind? I am always in two minds I can enjoy nothing. Physically I am here but my mind is with sweets. My mind is Full with something else. And I know surely that I will not be able to have it all alone

Likewise, we are “Mind Full” always. But some simple techniques will be always helpful for our mental peace.

Being present“, is one perfect way. It means living in your life. You can practice the “Art of doing nothing” you are not clinging to anything. Just live in the moment. You can practice as a daily routine and by doing this regularly you can add a little sparkle to your life.

When “Mind Full” is working inside you are burning inside even without your knowledge. You feel restless. Hundred of duties and obligations. This creates a huge wave of depression inside us. You feel insecure over something that is out of your control.

Instead of that you can be happy and enjoy what you are having at the present moment. If you appreciate whatever it is, then you will be grateful. At the end of the day, you have peace inside you.

How do you feel now? Mind Full Vs. Mindful?

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