Square-shaped super amazing omelet: what’s wrong with the eggs!!


I cannot live without eggs!!

For breakfast, I eat eggs most of the time. This morning egg came up differently. It was super easy and cool and you do not need more than one egg. Apart from eggs, I add some minced spinach plus cheese.

For one serve


one egg, well minced spinach, grated cheese(I use Gouda) freshly ground black pepper and salt

Whisk the egg well then add spinach again and whisk well. Then add pepper and salt to your taste. Keep it aside. Medium heated pan grease some oil and pour the mixture. My square-shaped nonstick Japanese fry pan gave me a nice shape. Keep it for two to three minutes and sprinkle grated cheese on the top. That’s all.

When I am with the dish my husband asks”What’s wrong with the eggs” HAHAH

Will you try this?

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