voice messages vs. text messages


When we were in law school decided cases were recorded as …….. Vs ……. simply plaintiff versus defendant. I adopted the same procedure in naming this, all because of the untold rivalry between text messages and voice messages is likely to have always!! Which one is the best?

Can we convey our real feelings, via, texting? After an argument when I feel that I owed to say sorry back I love to use voice messages “to say sorry”. Things like facial expressions, eye contact, body language, and tone cannot be conveyed as it is via text messages. Yes. The best possible way is face to face communication but when you are not in a position to do so, voice is the best. It contains all emotions we are having at the moment.

Sometimes voice messages save our relationships, one of my friends revealed her true life experience on saving her relationship via voice message.

Listening to someone’s voice is a two three minute thing indeed. But it is something always.
Sense of authenticity the feeling of warmth in one voice. Any experience?

on the other hand can we neglect text messages all of sudden? Here is my personal experience.
When you are in a place where making any voice is prohibited the best choice is texting. I can tell you honestly the very importance of the text messages. While I was in Sri Lanka practicing my carrier as an Attorney texting was the blessing. By the time of court procedures are in progress you cant make calls inside. You are free Togo outside and have it but you are to be inside the courtroom. But you have some urgent dealings with a client or something else. So the texting is the most possible and convenient method to have.

How is your experience with both platforms?

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