We all have magical hands


We have two legs to walk far, big brain to think, two eyes to see more, one nose to smell to a certain extent, and two hands to do more magic. The magic of skilful hands are unutterable.

The beauty of magic hands is always subjective. Our two hands do magic in various fields and it is always so unique. Some do magic in writings, some do magic in the kitchen, some do magic with soil. My sister’s magic always be with her lovely garden. And my mother’s magic hands always busy with tasty dishes. My husbands magical hands mange to wipe out my grief and tears when I am with it. I have no exact idea where my hands do their magic exactly, LoL, may be in kitchen and writing probably.

The most wonderful thing about your two magical hands are, they are selfless, they serve people around you. A delicious dish to someone who loves to have it, feel them blessed. Your nicely knitted straw baskets, wool blankets are cozy and someone love to have them, your properly maintained garden is an apple of one’s eye. So your magical hands are blessed and protect them for you and for all around you!! You are precious everyday.

I firmly believe that the grey-haired souls’ hands are still magical, it’s always a perk of aging. Grey hairs and weak fingers and hands tell a long deep story always. Your aging hands might take more time than you expected, and you may get sore muscles, all aches and pains of course. But you have spent all your time and strength “serving”. But believe me, you are still alive to serve with your magic hands!! Those who around you are truly blessed to have your magical hands!!

Love all!!

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