Amazing tips in dressing up your favorite dish of eggs

Eggs are at the top of my ever-loving food list and always in my kitchen. The fried egg dressing up is always an art and a super cute thing to do. And I love my egg in whatever style it is. On a day off everyone at home, you are in the mood of “no cooking today” Egg is the best solution!!

Eggs cooked on a medium heated pan greased with oil and sunny side up, the yolk is firm, and finally sprinkle some black sesame on top. Black sesame is the latest grocery item in my kitchen. This sunny side up thing goes super well with fried rice with lots of carrots and leeks.

Scrambled eggs with freshly boiled vegetables. Some salt and pepper at the top.

The perfect partner for fried eggs is a slice of bread always. You can add the fried egg to your traditional sandwich. A perfect breakfast is on your hand.

How do you dress up your eggs?

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