Two amazing things I bought while shopping


We could pick up two new inventions from our last week shopping. I always love trying new flavors, it keeps me updated and makes me good.

Sometimes my husband asks, “You always love to try new flavors, don’t you?” Indeed. I love. Food is not always about feeding your body. It has many aspects like cultural, psychological, etc. And I love to see “food as art” and “food as an experience”all the time. So I love these new versions always. But there were times I ate the same food over and over again.LOL!! Such times I would say “I just like that kind of flavor” It is simple as that.

Back to my “two little amazing things”,

Here is the first thick-sliced Yokan in Japanese. The thick slice with 150g is rich in raw bean paste, chestnut, sugar, and starch syrup. Japanese sweets are such cute pieces with great wrapping. It tastes like traditional Sri Lankan “Dododl”. “Dodol” is prepared with rice flour, and coconut milk mainly. So it was a great tiny tiny for this week.

Who has tried this little piece?

The other one is a “Coconut milk drink. In Sri Lanka, Coconut milk is a must for most curries. We prepare our gravies with coconut milk. But this tiny bottle is something special and a new experience for us. We add coconut milk for various types of porridge, but not as a direct drink. But coconut water is a usual drink in Sri Lanka. The sweet water inside the coconut is super taste and the best for the thirst. This “coconut milk drink” was made out of raw coconut milk ,plus milk and pieces of some fruits like peaches. Is there anyone enjoyed this before?

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Anyone who loves to share your small but sweet little things? We love to hear from all

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