Are you practicing “Be water” philosophy


Yesterday I discussed the “Ipman” film series with my husband. Usually, our conversations don’t end up at the surface. They go deep, and these deep talks now have become our love language. The “movie talk” touched Bruce Lee’s life and his famous “Be Water philosophy”.

You must be shapeless, formless when you pour water into a cup it becomes the cup. When you pour water into a bottle it becomes the bottle. When you pour water into a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can either flow or it can crash. Be like water friendBruce Lee

Then I did some extra research on his “Be Water” philosophy. According to the things I came up with, his whole formula of self-mastery is based on this teaching. When he was young, he had walked to a lake for practice. So he punched water as hard as he could. Absorbing his energy water simply gave away and reformed.

So water is flexible and moves easily. It’s not rigid but powerful when it is needed. Mastering oneself as water seems to be the best theory. It will allow us to face any type of situation. No matter how dire the situation is.

And you have no judgments you just see things as it is. No framed mindsets, you are free to think. You let things go and see them as it is. And the most wonderful thing is you are wise enough to turn anything for your betterment. You will be better with all relationships and with society, All because you see things clearly without judgments.

Have you trained “Be Water philosophy” Was it useful for you

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