Are you in the process of filling your cup

Healthy Living

Have you ever thought of filling your cup? Should I fill my cup?If so why should I fill my cup?

The Simple answers are,

Should I fill my cup? Of course

If so why should I fill my cup? Because you can’t pour from an empty cup


Filling your cup means making you fine. “Self-care” is not a selfish emotion at all. Everything that we feel is based on the individual. You are the base, the center, everything goes around you. We share love, take care of others, touch scattered souls with kind hearts, or sometimes make arguments with loved ones, and make selfish decisions, ignore yourself. What we do is a clear cut of who we are. You need energy and spirit to care of who around you. So we have a great responsibility to take care of ourselves, or we have to “fill our cups first”

In the cafeteria, filling your cup is an easy task, you walk to the drink station, and push your cup against the lever with your choice of ice, milk, sugar, or anything you prefer. It’s done. Same as that, you are free to fill your cup with what you love.

First and last, you see who are you and what you need. This takes time. Here is a fine example, “you are hungry but you have no time, you are busy with household chores, so you continue with your other chores without having food. Like this you continue the scene, more work no proper nutrition. By the time you become weak finally the family around you becomes helpless. At the end of the day everything is a mess.”

You need self repair as every machine need. What happens when we attempt to shortcut our natural process of growth and development ? The natural process ask something else but we are dealing with some other.So first you see what do you need exactly.

Deal with what you love. You don’t need to have the same flow. People are different and all have different choices. If you know your true capacity you can turn your water to any direction you love to have and then you can make your pond. When you start dealing with what you love, you love everything you do. A life with unnecessary burdens. In my life, I made most of my decisions for what I love. It made me better.

You need self-talk, and “me time” You are never busy for this. These self-talking moments are completely up to you. In my case, I start my day with grace, long walks, and a book with hot tea, are mine. Above all, I listen to everyone and accept all with a good heart but always listen to my mind and do what I love and what makes me comfortable.

Once you are ready with your cup. You are completely ready to serve others.

Are you in the process of filling your cup?

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