Hat Talking: My very first lovely hat increased my love for hats


I had no fashion of wearing a hat when I was in Sri Lanka. But my husband’s “first sweet hat gift” persuaded me to wear hats. It was just a hat with a brim. He wanted to protect me from the burning summer sun. I loved it and still wearing it! Since then my love for “hats” started. Recently I bought a “Scandinavian Forest Nordic Bucket hat”, here if you love to see it.

The spring is coming and I have already unpacked all spring costumes and my lovely hats too. And I am looking forward to a big floppy straw hat for summer!!

Recently while scrolling the internet I came up with a rather lengthy essay on the “psychology of wearing hats.” If you love to read. It is here. It was absolutely interesting I was shocked with some information that I knew for the first time in my life.

Do you love hats?

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