Are there any pickle lovers in this club


Last week I received a parcel from Sri Lanka which was sent by my loving mother. All among the precious things, I found something rare in Japanese supermarket. Sri Lankan “small onion” The perfect ingredient for many of spicy type dishes. My mother wanted me to prepare some pickle, called “Malay Achcharu” in Sinhala. Out of all types of onion these small pieces are the best for so called “Malay Achcharu” She knows that I am a pickle lover. Pickles are a fantastic side condiment to have either alone or with the meal. Here in Japan Daikon radish come as a side portion in obento set. Pink coloured radish with acidc flavour is a great combination always.

Soon my memories went back to my time in Sri Lanka. While I was practicing my profession in Sri Lanka we had a great experience once a year. In court premises, we have a fair for Sinhala and Tamil New Year. The most iconic stall is the “fruit pickle stall”. The most crowded stall out of all. Many types of pickles including woodapple, pinanpple were there. Mouthwatering and still, I can taste the flour in my mind. I went to this fair all because of the pickle.

Most of our family get-togethers include pickles, my mother is always great at preparing types of pickles. Preparing traditional Sri Lankan-type pickles is always like family work. My father and brother cut the edges of a small onion. I and my sister are in the process of slicing carrots, my mother grinds mustard vinegar and all others for the pickle sauce. Ultimately pickle becomes a family product. Food indeed brings people together, aren’t they?

Are there any pickle lovers? What is your favorite?

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