How do you know that you are with the ideal partner?


In my late twenties I was wondering one question “How do I know that I am dealing with the ideal partner” I witnessed all breakups, marriages, divorces, and endless worrying family issues in my friends’ lives. So I knew that this going to be the most serious question paper I have ever sat.

Some of my friends also with the same burning question and by this time most of us were having a rest after hectic relationships. It was a period we were blooming after breakups. Google never could give us a comprehensive answer with a satisfactory level. The talks with friendly groups worked well. All talks and advice can be summed up like this.

Know what matters to you- spirituality, it is not about religious views. The essence is being a reasonable human being, a sense of humor, not fun topic but some serious topic to be addressed in the real world. Someone handling financial similar to the way you do or better than you.

It is always a shower of love and care.

The couple is a team. We are facing fighting and challenging all thick and thin together as players of a mighty team.

Yes, there are times we may mismatch. But still, we are sharing and caring. We had no same way feelings for certain things at all. I know we are from two different backgrounds and two different human beings. So it is supernatural to have different feelings and perspectives. An ideal partner is not someone 100% perfect in your dreams, and it is abnormal. And dreams are not the real world. You are standing on the real world. So let’s be different and play the game better.

We share every bit and respect each other.

We have a lot to talk about. It is an endless talk and anytime even after the marriage I have a lot to share.

Everything feels ok and super fine when we are together. And sometimes an unutterable healthy feeling is always there.

What do you think, Are you now in a relationship? How things went with you?

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