Blooming after the Breakups


Exactly a day after the 2024 Valentine’s Day, I am writing this. It is not something preplanned, the smelling memories of some of my single friends, persuaded me to do this today!

Let us start like this,

Broken hearts are hard to mend. But they mend by themselves. Sometimes we can’t fully get rid of the relationship at once. You are trying to justify things, even if it is useless and so unfair to be justified. You are trying to watering a dead flower. But It is time for you to accept the bitter truth. You are trying to cover up something useless indeed. And the most important part of a relationship is “when you feel that things are not working, you are to part away amicably.” The most civilised way to go away. The most suitable way for grownups. But this healthy method is still lack in most of people including Sri Lanka. I am eligible to talk about Sri Lanka only, since I have my roots there.

You need considerable rest after every breakup. You need a relaxed mind, in short, you need an “authentic version of yourself” Because you are going to have a new chapter with a fresh mind. Old stains are not allowed to carry on, but only the lessons you learned. This is something we learn by maturity.

Whatever the reason for your breakup I know how difficult is it, the memories suffer you a lot. But one truth is over there, Whatever happens, people move on. That is the truth. You survive, with your best version. That is how human beings were designed. It is amazing. You have to try it.

Most of my friends swear that most of the breakups they had were a blessing. Those were the opportunities for them to see their capacity. I can believe them since I am in the process of witnessing their bloom after a hectic relationship.

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How about you? How did a broken relationship mend you? Was it helpful or not?

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