How about your smart phone addiction


Now a days smart phone is a part of life, a double-edged sword sometimes, the majority of are addicted to it. Sometimes we really need to get out of this trap. The power of powering off your mobile for just an hour is an unutterable relief. It might work only in nights. Or I am not sure removing apps might work. Because personally the apps I have installed already and apps which I am going to be installed in due course are essentials in my daily usage.

So we have to be more matured and more practical. let us find some other practical and meaningful tips.

I think you all are coming here to get some relief from daily grind. Though these are not serious stuffs to discuss about we are looking for such some occasions. Hope you would enjoy the stuffs I am practicing to get rid of this addiction. It goes like this.

Sticky note method– You can allow set time for phone usage. Sometimes I put a sticky note on the screen “ no touching till so and so”. So before I touch the phone I have to complete my designated tasks first.

Making happy yourself is the best thing to achieve anything. This is something I put in to practice in most of the times. First being thankful to yourself is the most valuable thing out of all. This is called as self reinforcement. You are giving energy to yourself to perform best next time.

Considering alternatives – Apart from the work related matters we be with the smart phone all because we are simply bored. If you are bored you may allocate time to develop hobby. Something clever enough to sustain your attention. You can take a nap, move your body, sharpen your math skills just stay doing nothing. Stay doing nothing also a great mind relaxing method to have. Engage with the beauty of the face to face conversations.

Change your mindset– A simple shift of the mindset can do lots of things than you think. Before reaching out for your device you have to question yourself. Is it urgent or if it can wait?Most of the times, it can wait. Only your heart cannot. So the problem isn’t necessarily with the phone. It is you and you have to change your priorities.

How do you feel this? What will be your tips in handling phone addiction?

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