Becoming a morning person, How do you feel

Healthy Living

It is hard to wake up early in the morning. It might not be practical to wake up suddenly if you are new to it. You will have to practice little by little. Waking up in the early morning is mostly related to the things scheduled to be done earlier. A very good example is In Sri Lanka, I woke up very early to make my commute easier. That was the only reason of my morning wakeup. I had something to be achieved. So I followed the steps.

So, when your mind knows that you have nothing like that on this day it comforts you and whispers it’s better to be on the bed a bit more. Let’s wake up in another ten minutes. You need this rest.
This is the way how our brain functions.

Getting energy from outside factors might not work all the times. “How things will be easier becoming a morning person”is the best choice one can have in “becoming a morning person” I would say. Soon after that thought you better to think the advantages you are going to have, with early wake up. Yes, now you are fully satisfied and ready to get out of your bed. Mornings are magical.

I love to see old couples who come to the park for walking,

I love to capture the rising sun,

I love to fill my gallery with blooming sun and art of the trees and things around me

I want to breathe cool air into my lungs. It feels like I am getting energy.

But I have seen night owls. It works out with them well sometimes. But society always places a premium on being morning people. But there is nothing inherently “better” being a morning person versus a night owl. But the only thing we can see is, you can see and feel the rising sun and some other things which are only in the morning. And it “adds an extra hour into the day”

However ultimately I would say “we all have to do what is best for us” It is a choice aways.

Morning persons and night owls we welcome you all, what about your choice?

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