Natural pool bath

Healthy Living

Have you ever tried a natural pool bath? It is a great experience to have. My first natural pool bath was in Sri Lanka, a hidden hotel in Kalawana, Sri Lanka. Unfortunately I can’t exactly remember the name. Thereafter I had several natural pool baths. I just close my eyes and float on the fresh water. It relax the whole body and mind. You will only hear the sound of the water comes from the pure spring, the birds chirping and the whispering of the cool breeze.

Instead of chemicals to keep the water clean, plants and other biofilters are in action for the purification process. These pools are constantly fed fresh water from pure springs. This the latest trend of pool construction.

This bath is perfect and entirely blissful and you feel like you have been so refreshed. Most of the natural water pools are designed with two parts, one part is the swimming area and the other is the water garden. The garden is the most important part. It feels like you are swimming in a river or a high mountain lake. According to the natural water pool designers those aquatic plants grown in the water garden remove nitrate and lower the phosphate level. Under water plants add oxygen to the water. It is completely blend in with the nature.

Soon after a great bath a dish of boiled manioc with some spicy “lunumiris” (initially prepared with chopped onion plus chilies) will be a mouthwatering stuff to have. An it will be a memorable experience to have.

Any experience with natural pool bath?

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