Either money or social status ever changed you


Yesterday while scrolling down in my instagram news feed I found some celebrities who don’t have housekeepers but earn millions still continue to live as a middle class representatives. They do their own shopping. Cook meals in the kitchen by own. Do thrift shopping. In the “CROWN” series I saw prime minister Margerat Thatcher doing her own kitchen chores. There are many out there. So I thought to have discussion on this. Whether a billionaire or not, money and social status that people achieved in life personally matters in some ways, for someones.

And there are people who didn’t change their lives dramatically after became famous. Some are really careful about their spendings. The main Character of “The sex and the city” series Sarah Jessica Parker, in her own words, she usually wears hand-me-down usually. How simple!

Kristen Bell the famous American actress owner of a million dollar wealth once stated that she always looks for coupons that offer special discounts.

A billionaire is not someone having many butlers and does nothing but sit and order all the time. Even they have some barriers, attitudes, and many limitations. Some might be in the generation that thinks spending too much is such a useless waste of money. I see it is a choice always. People go with what suits them, Spending the holidays in a super luxurious yacht, or having outdoor parties may not be the choice of all. Some might spend their whole holiday with their loved ones with a simple supper.

We all love this variety.

How do you see this?

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