The Morning Tea Cup


Are any morning tea/coffee lovers in this club? Let’s raise a voice… Haha

I am not a coffee fan. But I do love the smell of fresh coffee beans. Coffee is not always prohibited, there are times I add milk plus coffee. But most of the times it is simply prepared with Ceylon Tea and fresh milk. Such a warming drink to have in the morning. I always want to sip the cup in a relaxed environment. After the usual morning business, I use either the couch or a comfortable chair and sip little by little. Whatever diet plan I follow, I am not powerful enough to get rid of this addiction sometimes I utter to myself and start sipping again. LoL. It takes a considerable time to finish the cup.

It is a kind of strong relationship.

The warmth of my cup plus the mesmerizing aroma is my energy. It is something more than a mere routine. Sometimes my husband asks, “Oh, are you still sipping the cup” My simple smile says everything.

Morning tea/coffee lovers in this club? How is your relationship with it?

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