Those who love to have “Farm House” or “village house” Life


An incredible space where you can feel warmth and love as you wish. A “Farm House”, “village house Life”. I have heard about people who dwelt for years in the city and moved back to the countryside. And have a great farm along with a fancy farmhouse.

No hurry for the train, no noises, no busy road, no odor of exhaust fumes, no employer’s pressure for the clogged workload. Only the refreshing air plus mind-relaxing sceneries are everywhere. Can you ever imagine a life without hustle and bustle? Just an escape into nature.

“Anne of the Green Gables” reminds me of the basic structures of a typical “Farmhouse”, hardwood floors, high windows, big farmhouse sink, old fields, and fencing around the garden. Renovations can be hard, days will be spent more slowly than expected. You will be an authentic witness to changes in nature. And you are seeing the first bloom, seeing the first sprouts of the newly planted seeds, plucking the fresh pumpkins, tomatoes, and many more.

In most tropical countries like Sri Lanka, we have village life instead of a “farmhouse” concept. sharing and caring every moment, fresh ponds you can have a relaxing luxurious bath. availability of seasonal fruits no pesticides. Well-grown paddy fields everywhere. Lakes and tanks with cold water. When it comes to the season of harvesting, it’s a different experience with lots of fun. Kids are cuddling with their grandparents always. A paradise on the earth.

Relationships are valued always. A real living.

Is anyone born and raised on one or with plans of having such? waiting to hear from you

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