Honest Talk on Money


Finance class is a part of our life, in each phase of life it is better to have. You just imagine and have a sketch with you how things are going on.

A debt free life is something everyone is expecting. A pretty good grasp on money and finances.
An unexpected health crises reminded me the necessity of having a life insurance and we decided to have it. Apart from the National Health insurance, personal insurance plan is something good to have. Life is an uncertain thing and we have to ready whatever it presents us.

My father’s favorite quote always in my mind “Save first. Spend the rest” . If I miss the quote I would have gone over my budget and lay low for coming days. When I was talking with my friends most of them comes up with a same story of going over the budget by the middle of the month and laying low for coming days. But some come up with super saving methods which are life saving. These Money talks might not be sweet as what we usually have. But timely.

We pay off debt as fast and hard as we can, try to keep up a rainy day fund, investing on retirement plans we work on it hardly.

With all these for a massive cash pool you can develop a lucrative side hustle. Looking for job promotions or perks might not work all the time. The side hustle is a great option which is always in your hand. Something leads with your unending passion that never feel you tired.

Our circumstances might be different but we all have something common on money. We all need an early retirement form busy stuff. How do you work on it? Are you open about your finances?

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