A few Life Hacks useful for your entire life


Simple life hacks always make life easier. Save the time. Above all settle our unrest feelings. When things go wrong it’s natural to have a shaking mind. Having precautions at your hand with some knowledge might feel you better. Here are some tips I always go with.

Keep an extra pair of slippers, two three ziplock bags, extra sanitary pad in your vehicle.

Keep bobby pins on magnets. These little things have a wired habit of disappearing.

Make a medical card about your food allergies, drug sensitivity if something occurs to you while you are out. This would be a life savior, and you can try this with elderly members of your family.

Use beeswax to make waterproof your favorite canvas. Even a candle can do this.

Hiccups usually go away naturally but there are times they are annoying when interrupting while talking and eating, breathe in to a paper bag not to a plastic bag and have some sugar.

Make your own cleaning caddy. No need to go search of individual items. Everything in one place.

Use peppermint spray and keep bugs away.

Open jars with a knife. Instead of repeatedly beating jar against the countertop. LoL! you can open it easily by inserting knife in to the lid and pushing up.

There are thousands on the table. What comes to your mind easily?

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