What wonderful things can do with sweet potatoes


In winter grilled potatoes in supermarkets and some mobile four-wheelers selling grilled sweet potatoes near streets are common, possible sights in Japan. In Sri Lanka, we prepare sweet potatoes either by boiling them or adding some spices and coconut milk as a bit of spicy curry. There are hundreds of ways to cook this indeed.

The colors range from red and purple to orange and brown. Whatever the color I love sweet potatoes. Sweet potato chips, sweet potato with rice, and sweet potatoes simmered in butter and soy sauce are famous dishes in Japan and I have tried them. All so delicious. It’s awesome.

And you know anything can be a part of a pot of soup. So why sweet potato can’t? The sweet queen of all yams, I say, can be a part of a thick, hot pot of soup. A great menu for a winter night.
Sweet potatoes, peeled, cubed, and baked coated with olive oil and salted also possible way and mouthwatering.And from pies to muffins it is used. On the very first day, I wondered by seeing sweet potato ice cream in Japanese supermarkets.Nice try!

And I have tried mashed sweet potatoes along with mashed potatoes plus tuna and other spices. It is called “Cutlets”. In Sri Lanka, we originally prepared “cutlets” with potatoes only, but I tried this and it was really good. When I was having a deep conversation with my sister I said, “I prepared cutlets with sweet potatoes” With big eyes she yelled “Cutlets out of sweet potatoes is it even possible? Hahaha “Yes. Why not. I did” You can anything turn in to cutlet mixture, if just try. LOL!! Hope you love with my cutlet idea.

My sweet potato cutlets dish coated with bread crumbs minutes before frying.

In conclusion, sweet potato is a great dish and simply cooked thing. No too much of things. Just easy and healthy, two in one.

I am sure I have missed a lot definitely. What about your ways? Love to hear

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