How do high expectations kill you


I know expectations kill us. It’s sometimes like making sand castles on the shore. We know tides are continuing but still we build. LoL! It’s fun to have high expectations when things are working in your favor. When things are not going as we wish its killing.

My loving mother had sent a parcel of sweets and some of our favorite stuff last Sunday. I was overwhelmed and started counting my fingers. I felt days are passing slowly. The postman is not coming on time. The postman must have scheduled to cover one side of the lane and then the other side. I spotted every single detail and noted it down. I saw none of them before that. Most possibly my surprise parcel is scheduled to be at my doorstep by today. The postman came covered both lanes and went back.

Can you imagine me? Having expectations is good in some ways. But this incident was too much. I thought. Hah!!
Without wasting my time anymore I started to concentrate on my other stuff.

Here are some thoughts I had

Low expectations help you to motivate yourself

You will be fine all the time, since there is no harressing thoughts

The most important thing is you will be less disappointed when things don’t go your way.

And when the expectations are shattered your inner peace will be vanished.

Have your expectations ruined your inner peace?

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