Is my kitchen sponge a bacteria hotspot

Healthy Living

Can this little piece of thing make such a mess? Of course, sadly however the size you are not allowed to ignore.

We all are busy with deep cleaning and decluttering process. But we hardly take care of this little guy. LOL!! In Japan, we have Daiso which offers many kitchenware and cleaning products at a low cost. I usually buy a set of cleaning products including a set of sponges and dish brushes. I know these are available in almost every local shop. Super easy to access.

Here are some F&Q for busy you

How often you should replace

No matter how well you treat your sponge there is a time you must throw it away. If the sponge starts to develop a bad odor or some signs of wear and tear. It is the time. Experts say it is every two or four weeks.

The sponge cleaning

I add hot water plus vinegar and soak the sponge, keep as it is 10-15 minutes.

Apart from messy spong what would be the alternative?

I use a set of different types of dish brushes plus washcloths and cleaning wipes.

This is all because your health matters most.

How about you?

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