How was your life in Pandemic


You might be wondering why I am asking this question even after years. The simple answer is I love the period that’s all. Yes, we were indeed isolated, with no connections with the outer world. All is true. But we all had the most blessed days with our ever-loving families, aren’t we? Just a break from a rollercoaster life.

Even today I cherish the moments we had as a family those days. We all sat together under the mangosteen tree where our little cement seating arrangement was laid. We had both deep talks and small talks. We cracked jokes had various sweets baked at home. The sense of home was truly felt to the bone.

And still more to unpack,

Some of my friends lost their loved ones and none had a single chance to pay the last tribute to them. We wept for them. Understood the way of life to the core.

We got so many photos of my sister’s sweet little girl helping with her mother via WhatsApp. So cool to see her either sweeping on the floor with a long broom or scraping coconut on the most of the day. LOL!! How nimble the little bundle was. Though we lost our physical contacts for the sake of social media platforms we satisfied more than enough. You have to satisfy what you have, the pandemic life lesson.

We lost our face-to-face chats with the closest we had to put limitations ourselves. In response to highly restricted face-to-face interactions, the internet became a viable source of gaining knowledge in meaningful ways. I could save and increase my budget with WFH. No allocation for transportation, sudden meetups, treats, clothes, or anything. The most important thing is time.

I was happier doing less. I started cooking more, exercising more, treating myself more, gardening more, and helping those who wanted more. The authentic goal of one’s life. The self-reflection, peeping to my own. Essence of the life glittered.

And the pandemic taught me wisely and beautifully, the serenity of the outdoors. While in the pandemic we were allowed within four walls and the boundary of the garden. We are still capable, limbs are working amazingly, but we are not allowed. Now I want to be outside most of the time. I love to breathe fresh air, to see the beauty of blooming flowers and dews of the meadows. An earnest desire to squeeze each drop of this beauty.

Anyone wishes to unwrap the box of pandemic memories, we all had both good and bad, let us share and learn.

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