How do you feel grief


You have plans always but life has something else you to offer most of the time. This is the main point where grief pops up, I think. So we have to cope with it.

Sudden shocking news beginning of 2023 my father’s brother was not well suddenly. I couldn’t even believe my eyes, since I had visited before left the country. He was looking well. They said you would not make it through five months. Heartbreaking. He died untimely. I had no single chance to visit him. Apart from his untimely death, I lost many of my loved ones when I was thousands of miles away from my mother country. It was not an easy task to handle at all.

I have seen people whose loved one is in a coffin, but they are scheduled to be busy with life tasks, comforting siblings and their closest ones, and they have no time to grieve. They want to shout and cry loud. Incredibly hard. But you are not alone. We all have such a period in life. We all would be honored to read those.

But we all will have to navigate through different hard times. We will have to grow with what we go through. It has been educating us. Throughout all hard navigations, you will ultimately find who you are exactly and your capabilities.

Pain is lifted when we share and release that heartbreaking grief. Grief is unique to the individual, but always we have to be kind to ourselves.

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