Are there any furniture movers in this readers’ club


We all love changes, most of us don’t we? Sitting in the same place where the couch sticks into the same place is so boring. Staring at the same walls in the same angel is so boring. I always admire the “CHANGE”. Adjustments of furniture, and moving the pieces of art on the wall into somewhere else are more than enough for me. Moving stuff around makes you feel something new, something different.

Even in childhood, I wanted to change. My father did not want to make changes. But myself and my sister both wanted it!! So after hundreds of pleadings, we managed to win. How lovely. LOL!

With seasonal changes here, I do this often. This time no room for resistance. In winter seating is placed further from the high windows. Thick curtains come out. Summer sheer curtains with more comfortable chairs by the high windows. This works well.

I love to continue this as long as I’m able. LOL!! Small things make a huge difference.

Are there such movers in this club? Love to hear from you

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