My sister’s place is “just amazing”


After finishing my decluttering Sunday process , I was lying on the couch with my tab. It was usual Sunday morning call from my sister. We talked almost an hour. She was always busy with her pretty garden and home. A true lover of nature. As usual she preached her day’s routine, the breakfast will be the milk rice with spicy salmon curry she briefed. Oh mine too I screamed. Mine is milk rice with Seeni sambol(a famous Sri Lankan dish along with milk rice made out of Onion basically)

Then I am going to fertilize today, I bought some fertilizer yesterday from the florists. She said. The conversation went on. I just wondered with the beauty of her nicely maintained garden. All the uninvited birds, squirrels, bees butterflies and all sorts there. Just charming.

If you love to see I am sharing her truly enchanted garden. Keep up your good deeds girl. Once I set foot I will be there.

The outdoor breakfast with scenery.

These beautiful flowers

These made my Sunday! So blessed .

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