What will be your plans this weekend? Weekends are great. It always pave us the way to think new.
This Sunday I am planning to do some decluttering. We have two days per week in Japan for garbage disposal. Therefore we do not want to keep a pile of unwanted things. But this time, I found some unwanted frocks and trousers for disposing. When you are having a small amount of items. Things become easy. You don’t need to pay a considerable amount of time to find things. It saves both your time and energy. Therefore I always remove unwanted and extra things.
When you have less you feel free.
Japanese decluttering is all about “discarding” and “deciding” You need to decide what to declutter and discard. Decluttering is an art for them. I came up with the book called, “The life-changing magic of tidying up” the Japanese art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. A great piece of work. I started to read this weekend.
plus some of my Netflix shows!!