Date tips


Dates are fun way to keep the ball rolling. We people have more datings before the marriage , but a very few go with this after the marriage. If you both don’t like to go out you can stay at home and make it work. A great dating ! Dating always will be a time for conversation holding your partner in a different way. You both are having a great match in building up your family tree. Sweating and working for it, so both needs a gentle touch.

If you are having kinds, one might find it’s difficult in finding a proper time probably. But it’s still possible. You can have your dating inside your four walls. Once you are growing up as a family and if there is no trustworthy person around to make your outside date success, you still have chance to reconnect and refill each other inside your walls.All what we need to keep our connection battery full. I feel designated place and a time is not a must all the time.

Most of the Fridays will be our dating. We either go out or have a simple fresh soup, French toast, pasta, or salad. On weekends either we cook together or go outside with a homemade sandwich, tea, and some fruit. Then lay our picnic clothes on the park meadow have a nice chat and enjoy each sip of hot ginger tea. Sometimes that’s all we need nothing luxurious.

The point of date night is always focusing on each other sharing activities both love. Having fun and sharing things.

What will be yours, love to hear!!

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