Did you get a chance to grow up with your grandparents?

While I was wandering in my memory den, memories sparkled. The childhood I ever cherished with my grandma. I was not lucky enough to have the affection of any of my grandfathers’ sadly. But my mother’s mother my short fat sweet grandma was a a bundle of joy. Every role inside a single person. I had her shelter till my late teens. I learned so much. I learned how to cook, how to manage with household, and how to harmonize with modernity with aging.

Both of us shared one room. Sharing secrets out of all others!! I am a song lover and most of my time is spent with songs, even while studying. Trust me I can concentrate well. My sweet little old-fashioned radio was alive all the time in our room. She has no complaints at all and she knows how to harmonize with new generations with zero complaints.

And the most wonderful thing is you have always someone to talk with even at midnight when I need it badly!! She was such a kind spirit. I love you wherever you are!!

Sharing a common household with their grandchildren won’t be easy for all sometimes. But most of the time they need it badly! I say.

Have you experienced growing up with your grandparents?

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