Things I always have in my kitchen


My kitchen is a mix of both flesh-based and plant-based. I am shopping with my pocket-size notebook. All the following stay as my permanent items.

Egg– My bond with eggs is a long and hard one. Both of us have eggs round the clock fried, scrambled,half boiled, hard boiled. Every single week we done with two packs of fresh eggs each contains ten fresh eggs.

Avacado– My favorite fruit and the preferred preparation method is no sugar drink. Or as a filling for the toast. A simple breakfast with high nutrition. Avocado is mashed smoothly and adds some pepper and salt to taste.

Sweet potatoes- A great kitchen staple and easily transformed into many delicious dishes.

Tofu- When I was in Sri Lanka, tofu was on my grocery list, but I could hardly find it. Tofu is not famous as a Sri Lankan dish, it only has a few uses especially as a part of their diet plans. But Japan changed the situation and now I am available with vast tofu variations. Tofu is used in preparing my miso soup and normal soup recipes. Sometimes I mix tofu with some other leftovers and prepare my dishes. Click here

Miso paste- This is a new addition to my kitchen. I have various types of miso soup paste and use it as a side dish. Now if I missed this soup dish, a great regret of course. No judgment please, this paste pack is super easy with me.

Coconut milk- We Sri Lankans, our staple is rice and curry always. So coconut milk powder or liquid tin is always with me. The life saver for curries.

chickpeas, mung beans, rice flakes- all dry things save me on lazy days. Rice flakes are my best porridge of ever time with some raisins and dates as toppings. Soak rice flakes and add thick coconut milk and raisins. Super easy porridge is a great meal.

Rice- Our kitchen staple. In Japan, we mainly use sticky rice, in which I prepare some “onigiri”. The Japanese rice balls.
Chicken and salmon-For my curries and salad bowls. Both work well.

Fresh milk- My early morning energy boost.

Tea leaves- We Sri Lankans always “yes” to a fresh hot cup of tea. A shower after a hectic day. A slice of ginger makes things better.

Cheese – As toppings for toast and everything.

Garlic and ginger- Make my dishes tasty and healthy.

Bread- Always turns into French toast along with fresh milk and eggs. Great for a rainy relaxing evening.

roasted almonds, dates, and raisins– As a leisure snack a great option instead of sugar-coated sweets.

How about yours? We can share our foods and have a great list!!

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