Where do I belong?


Once you step out of the lands where were you born, a whole world is standing before you. During my early days in this beautiful island, there were times I went inside and questioned myself, with an often question where do I belong? Can I survive here as a breathing living being? After a year, I know one thing. You can anywhere on this planet. Fitting for the environment is the answer.

Not all places we grow up are healthy for us as an individual. Your cause for leaving might be anything. You are the one who is dealing with it, not the audience around you. So sometimes getting away is the best answer if you need to survive as a free man. We are citizens of the world and the man designed so. I meet people and talk to them and I realized that most of them have a root from somewhere else that speak different language and practice different rituals. How big is this world? Its all connected. So you are not allowed to stick in to.

Leaving where I grew up is heartbreaking, in fact, but your culture, faith and life style still integrated into you, I say. It is a kind of unbreakable bond? what do you say? We might mingle with different people we never knew, and we might speak new languages. But still your cultural belongings with you!! The only thing we are supposed to do is incorporate all and accept the reality. Once you understand the reality you can embrace a new home anytime.

So finally I came up with the thought that I do not belong to anywhere, I belong to the world. The easiest way to survive.

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