A simple gesture of kindness


When I was in primary school I was with a breaking heart, flunking my grade five scholarship examination, My birthday was on the same day. The little girl was with a breaking heart isolated in the “English Corner”. But how my mother treated me with her warmth, the way she celebrated my birthday on the same day at the school with my gang, was simply amazing. More than 20 years passed, that moment still in my memory den. The way she eased 10 year old little girl’s pain was amazing. The moment always cherished and remembered. Kindness never could be compared!!

I moved to Japan from Sri Lanka in 2022, to a land where I know nothing about their language. Japanese always use their language and I could not express my real needs, I started to freak out. But many kind hearts helped me to find my husband and carry my heavy items of luggage. All who supported me there truly cherished it!! Much thankful!

And my inner circle, your simple call and a message is lot to me! The kind gesture you offered is a great healing.

In our recent Ueda trip, 94-year-old grandma`s kind words made our day. The kind act of an unknown lady was marvelous. We keep you in our hearts forever. Some other day flower shop owner’s grandma of this beautiful island offered me my favourite purple-colored bunch of flowers. The unknown souls filled me with happiness. You are always in our minds!

Sometimes we all need only a simple act of kindness for our lives. You can pass it on to someone, such a great human act. Just a heavy hug, a simple gesture of kindness, that’s we all want at some point.

Shall we dig up the memory den and share? How about yours?

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