How to stay warm this weekend

Yes. We have hit winter. We Sri Lankans, are not familiar with seasonal changes. But “When in Roam do as Romans do” is the way to be. LOL!! So I am preparing myself for it.

In winter when we step outside the house we need to be fully wrapped with heavy jackets and double clothes and zipped up. In such weather, our energy bills are rocketing beyond our thinking. No one needs to shiver in winter and we turn on our heaters without thinking of energy bills. I experienced this hike of energy bills for the first time in my life in 2023. It was my first winter experience and I was not knowledgable.

But this time I came up with precautions, and I found some ways to stay warm without our heaters. Not 100% but some tips to control the situation.

We choose rugs for the home.

Kettle on– We Sri Lankans love tea, the best drink ever for us. After settling in a cold country we came to know that coffee is not only for the stomachache. (in Sri Lanka we had coffee for stomachache most of the times) LOL!!! Coffee is the official drink for many things. Cold? Have a coffee. Do you feel tired? Have a coffee. Anything to sip? A coffee. Coffee for all. So you can have either herbal tea or coffee, to warm you up, along with some biscuit or toasted slice of bread.

A hot soup.

Wrap and wrap- When you are out you can use a scarf and gloves to match. And wear wool socks always when inside. This is helpful for me. I swear. And when inside wear your sweaters with a hoody. When your ears are closed you feel the warmth. Have you experienced it? And when you are on the sofa wrap your cozy blanket around you. These tips might warm you.

Get moving- Good thing but hard to put into practice, I say. But it works great. You will improve circulation and keep you warm. And there are several activities you can do without instruments while inside.

Apart from all of that,

Close the doors you do not use often.

Use thicker curtains when it comes to winter.

If any cracks in either window or door frames close them.

For your health, if suffering from phlegm, it could be a trouble, so have more oranges and use lukewarm water with lime and honey for winter sore throat.

Love to hear from your tips too.

Have a happy healthy warm weekend all!!

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