Dinner conversation starters be like…


Most of the time dinner is the best time for a long ragging talk. Isn’t it? Everyone is in peace no hurry most of the time. While in Sri Lanka I hardly had time for dinner altogether. Long distance of traveling after work missed such golden moments. With new changes, now I am blessed with that divine moment.
But I have to say, great dinner conversations don’t just happen, they are caused.

These conversations can be funny things, deep meaningful things, weird things, boring things, etc. There are times, I suddenly come up with incidents and ask his thoughts on them. And sometimes quick-fire questions. It’s so fun. Almost every conversation starts as a small drop and gets bigger and bigger because we both love deep talks most of the time. By the time deep talks have become our love language. There are times we cling to only one topic throughout dinner. How wonderful!!

How are your family dinner conversation starters? What type of topics do you love to have and what not to?

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