How do I reduce garbage?

Home decor

The garbage disposal procedure in Japan was new to me. Now I fully adhere to the procedure. In Sri Lanka, I was not in a crowded city, where we had enough space to dispose of our garbage, according to our will. Since the whole procedure is with our hands we can do it at any time.

Japan is very famous for its super garbage disposal system, a commendable procedure with a collective responsibility. In my prefecture, pink and yellow are the bags for garbage.

You can dispose of garbage twice a week and plastic items once every two weeks. The system is super easy and you do not need to pay extra attention to disposing of them. All we need to do is dispose of the correct garbage on the correct day.

I usually dispose of garbage as directed, it helps me to reduce unnecessary things. Apart from that, I try my best to limit unnecessary things in my home. Simple tips!

I try to avoid single-use containers, but I have a countable set if necessary.

whenever buy pet bottled drinks dispose of themselves, without bringing them back.

Usually use my bag for groceries, so I do not need to ask for extra bags.

don’t ask for unnecessary bills.Though it is a small receipt, if you see at the end of the week, you will see many.

Any smart ideas for reducing garbage?

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